Dr Salter takes 60 evening bookings per year for schools and is currently fully booked for these parent/student evenings. 90% of these evenings are Year 7 Parent/Student evenings. Schools with regular bookings have the option to re-book their spot each year and all spots are currently taken. Bookings are rolled over each year so the only way to get an earlier spot for an existing booking is to swap with another school. Email if you would like to be waitlisted if evenings become available, or you can go with the pre-recorded online option instead.
- Email Dr Salter to waitlist for an evening spot – Sometimes Prue’s schedule changes and opens up more evenings or sometimes schools have a change in management and no longer run their evening (then a year later try and get their spot back when it is too late!). Or Dr Salter may be in your area for a conference or while travelling.
- Arrange Access to Videos of Dr Salter – If you don’t want to wait for a date due to low availability, another option is to purchase a licence to email a link to the students and parents to watch the study skills evening at home.

1. The most popular evening is the Years 7/8 evening covering time management and organisational skills. Term 1 and Term 2 only.
2. There is also a follow-up evening for Years 8/9 focusing on improving the way students study.
3. The evening for Years 10/11 looks at achieving personal best in the senior years. Term 1, Term 2 or Term 4 only.
4. The Years 7-12 Top Study Skills Habits evening is available only through Zoom or pre-recorded version (not F2F).
- Cost for a F2F evening is AUD$3000 + GST.
- Parents and students must attend together. We do not offer parent only sessions.
- Usually one year group attends, but can be 2-3 year groups in smaller schools. Secondary year groups only.
- 90 minutes in length eg 6-7.30pm, 6.30-8pm etc.
- Handouts are sent to the school to be copied prior to the session.
- Flyers are sent to the school to help advertise the evening.
- You need a venue that has a large screen, data projector and microphone.
- Most schools do daytime sessions with Year 12 instead of evenings, but if Dr Salter has not worked with your students previously you may like to include Year 12.
- Content covered varies on the year group, but for example might be organisation, time management, study notes, study techniques.
- Some schools like to offer a full school option, eg Years 7-9 @ 6-7.15pm and Years 10-12 @ 7.30-8.45pm. This arrangement is priced at AUD$4500 + GST (i.e. 1.5 x session cost) if the sessions are run together on the same night.

- Cost for a Zoom evening is AUD$3000 + GST.
- Handouts will be available for families to download and print at home prior to the session.
- The school will use their Zoom/Teams/Meets account and send the invite etc. to parents.
- Dr Salter will send through flyers you can use to advertise the evening and email templates for communication about the evenings.
- If you would like parents to also have access after the evening to the online pre-recorded filmed version for three weeks so they can revisit and work through it, or for families that could not attend the live version to access, this is possible for an additional 30% fee. The school does not have licence or permission to make any recordings of the Zoom session.
- Please review the ELES webinar requirements.
- Recent Feedback from attendees: Zoom Feedback
Thank you for last night’s session. It was lovely seeing parents and students so engaged in conversations about learning.
I have had lots of wonderful feedback from parents – they love the Zoom format as it is more personal and easier to ask questions and they loved the strategies and focus of the presentation.
I felt it was important to message the College to say thank you for organising the visit of Dr. Prue Salter who spoke to us about Study Skills in Year 7. Her presentation was so engaging and informative. I loved the fast-paced nature of it and how many wonderful strategies she had for both parents and students alike. I also felt comforted that a professional was consolidating a lot of the information that I had spoken to my son about and some strategies that I had encouraged my son to take on board. Always good for kids to hear it from a more noteworthy source. It certainly created conversation on our journey home and will continue to do so over coming days, weeks and months. Thank you once again for providing such a worthwhile opportunity for the boys and for us, as parents. It is greatly appreciated.
I recently attended with my daughter your evening. I attended reluctantly as a parent, but was pleasantly surprised at how much practical stuff I learnt. It was incredibly informative. Since your talk, we have made changes at home to help the kids organise themselves.
Dear Dr. Prue Salter, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for your enlightening session last evening. Your expertise truly shone through, and I am grateful for the opportunity. Your insights on limiting distractions and study note techniques were particularly valuable, and I can already see how implementing them will greatly enhance my son’s learning experience. We will be reviewing this over the weekend. Thank you also for making the follow-up resources available to us. The additional materials you provided will undoubtedly serve as a valuable reference point as he continues to develop his study skills and strive for better results. We are looking forward to applying the techniques and strategies you shared and continuing to grow academically.
Just wanted to thank you for a great session on study skills last evening for the Yr 7 girls. It was so informative and sensible that I wish you had been around during my schooling years! Isla and I took a lot away with us and are looking forward to implementing all these skills during Isla’s Secondary and even University years.
Thank you for your insightful presentation tonight. My wife and I found it incredibly valuable in understanding how we can support our child’s academic progress. Your help is much appreciated. These materials are amazing 🙂
I just wanted to thank you for your presentation the other night. It has kickstarted a conversation that has been very helpful for my two kids in Year 7 and 9. Tonight my Year 7 ADHD son was amazed at how much he got done in an hour once he had clarity and structure on what to do! I wish I had this info when I was at school.
Great to work with my daughter for us both to be clear about different practices and best practice. My daughter had been a bit panicky about homework, so think this made her feel very empowered about the decisions she makes going forward. Also got her thinking about planning the term out and thinking in a calm way about get ready for assessments and tests. And made me feel more comfortable I’m across what is going on and that my daughter has been given the tools to set her up for success. Really was an excellent session and I think it’s completely brilliant that the school put this on.
I can’t thank you and the school enough, for organising the Study Skills session, with Dr Prue Salter. It was an incredibly valuable evening and our kids were very fortunate to have this opportunity in year 10, to give them time to learn and develop the skills necessary for their HSC studies. I’m currently studying (after a very long hiatus!) and I certainly came away feeling motivated and empowered to develop my study skills and put them into practise.
Prue’s presentation was one of the best I’ve ever been to – my daughter has already implemented some of her suggestions- and lots of things for me to work on too!
Dr Salter was insane. Articulate- accurate- owned the stage and above all started on time finished on time with zero fluff. My goodness I could of listened to her for hours, what an incredible human being she is. An email to again reiterate just how wonderful the school is at bringing the best to the stage and investing in the senior school so much. Thank you thank you for caring for them and helping the parents gain understanding.
Last month we attended your amazing webinar and quite honestly were enthralled by your infinite number of ideas to keep teenagers focused and on task.
This is the best seminar that I ever attended, I wished I knew all these when I was in high school.
Thank you for the amazing session this week – as a Project Manager by craft, I found this such an amazing approach and skill to teach our kids early on.
Thankyou so much. The workshop was one of the best I’ve been too. You’ve inspired me so much as a teacher and parent about how you can implement self understanding and practical strategies. 🙏🏻
There are now four options for Parent/Student Evenings:
If you cannot secure a date until later in the year, you can give parents access early in Term 1 to the online pre-recorded filmed version of the evening for three weeks, then run your evening later that term or in Term 2 or Term 3. Parents often say they wish they could do the evening more than once and even if they have done the online version a few months ago, it will be a different experience doing it live with their student in a large group.
Another option is after your evening give parents access to online pre-recorded filmed version for three weeks after the session so they can revisit sections again. This is also great as they always struggle to take everything in during one evening so they can work through the videos again at home. Plus also good if families were not able to attend or they want their spouse to also see what was covered.
Our ever popular live evening with Dr Prue Salter. There is a reason why she has been fully booked for so many years!
As it is so difficult to secure a date, you may have been missing out all these years but no more. During 2020 many of the schools who had been doing the face to face version for many years had to (reluctantly) switch to the online pre-recorded filmed version, and the parents just loved it. The flexibility to be able to do the evening during their own time over a four week access period, and to be able to revisit the videos was a big draw card. Plus schools are no longer dependent on when Dr Prue Salter is available. This is also great for regional, rural and overseas schools who also don’t have to pay travel costs. Study skills is independent of state, country, school or educational system. Sure there are some things that are specific, but this evening explores things like how to work more effectively at home, how to manage distractions, how to plan workload and manage time and how to organise learning resources, and best practice for studying for tests and exams.
(Note: It is best to start access on a Friday then we will extend the access to the Monday after so families get an additional weekend to access the videos.)
As with all of our options, ELES does not permit recording of any of our sessions. However, you can live stream to families at home if your IT department is set up to do this, and there is no extra charge.
Options for Study Skills Evenings | Live (F2F / Zoom) Session Included? | Online Access to Filmed Version? | Pricing | Total Cost + GST |
1. Live (F2F/Zoom) Session + online access | YES | YES (before) 3 weeks |
Base + 30% | $3900 + GST |
2. Live (F2F/Zoom) Session + online access | YES | YES (after) 3 weeks |
Base + 30% | $3900 + GST |
3. Live (F2F/Zoom) Session only | YES | NO | Base price | $3000 + GST |
4. Access Online Filmed Version only (one year group only, request pricing for access for multiple groups) | NO | YES (anytime) 4 weeks |
70% of Base | $2100 + GST |
Example of email to send to parents re online access: ONLINE ACCESS TO THE YEAR 7 STUDY SKILLS EVENING
Dear Year 7 Parents,
We have arranged for you to be able to access a filmed version of Dr Prue Salter’s renowned study skills evening online in the comfort of your own home anytime from now until X. Now that the students have a frame of reference for high school, it is time to fine-tune, assess and adjust as needed their approach to their learning with tips and techniques from the study skills expert, Dr Prue Salter.
Ideally it is best that you watch these videos together with your child, just like you would if you attended the evening in person. The study skills seminar has been broken down into bite sized chunks so if you do not have time to do it all in one go, you can work through the session at your own pace. You can also go back and watch again any of the videos during the two week period. The video page will prompt you to download the workbook for the session and will show you at the end where you can then access all the slides from the session that are shown in the video.
Please take advantage of this valuable opportunity before access ends on X. The link to access the evening is …
During the evening parents are able to text questions to Dr Salter, sometimes they text lovely feedback too…