Cost is AUD$2000 + GST per session. Email Dr Salter at to request availability.
This 1 to 1.5 hour session is best held in Term 1 and covers:
- moving into a senior mindset
- working effectively at home
- dealing with distractions
- the importance of independent learning
- managing workload
- planning for assessments
- organising resources for school both paper and digital
- steps to effective study for assessments
- increasing the range of study techniques used
- how often and how to make study notes
- making study notes brain-friendly

Available dates: There is limited availability and it depends on travel time and where Dr Salter is travelling from before your session, so email if you are interested and we will let you know what is available:
Handouts are sent to the school to be copied prior to the session. For the F2F sessions you need a venue that has a large screen, data projector and microphone.
For Zoom please review the ELES webinar requirements.
CAN’T GET A DATE? If you are not able to secure a date, another option is to purchase a licence to email a link to the students to watch the study skills session at home. Arrange Access to Videos of Dr Prue Salter.
I liked her realistic approach to study skills and her ability to relate to every level of capability. I also appreciated the variety in her suggestions that would cater towards every student. The most useful thing I learnt in the session was that study notes do not have to be in paragraphs but are more useful if they are dot points, summaries and overall easily legible.
I liked how she was very engaging with the crowd and gave options for every type of student.
I like how we could talk to one another and review ourselves collaboratively. I thought that was good and helpful for self evaluation.
Dr Salter taught us several great ways to organise our study resources, create study notes, and most importantly how to have successful time management.
It was very helpful. A lot of teachers just tell us to write study notes without explaining what they are. This actually gave us examples and a variety of ideas on what to do.
Dear Dr. Salter, I just want you to know that you have helped me immensely. As soon as this term came rolling in I knew I needed to start studying if I wanted to have a good score for the yearlies, but I didn’t know how to or where to start– how to take notes effectively especially since some of my subjects have a massive content to go through. And the worse of it all was the fact nothing was sticking with me, it’s like the information is lost somewhere in my brain but the 2 column method really helped me a lot! It showed me that I can retain my memory of this topic. So I just want to say thank you so much for guiding and giving me inspiration on what I can do, I feel more motivated and confident in my studies now!!
I liked that is was open for everyone and you were not just being taught way technique or way to study, and it is easily adaptable depending on the individual. The most useful thing that I learnt during the session was that there are several ways to study and keep up with tasks and that if something doesn’t work for you there are other solutions.
I think that I am now better prepared for the coming assessment season after putting some of the techniques covered in this session into practise.
I think it was very helpful and even motivating knowing how organised and proactive I can be.
I liked that she mentioned a variety of study skills and techniques, not just one
What I liked the most about this session and what the most useful thing I did was the personal reflection/evaluation of my current study habits and look as to how to improve and which techniques I can utilise to maximise my results this year and in year 12.
Thank you so much for your seminar last week! It was so inspirational and made me confident and passionate about making study notes.
I found your talk today extremely insightful and helpful as I did from your seminar when I was in Year 7. I wanted to thank you for how much your advice and tips helped me in my junior years as they allowed me to achieve my best and feel proud of my efforts. I also just wanted to email you to ask you if you could please have a look over my study notes to see if you have any feedback or improvements which may benefit my learning. Thank you very much.